Abbi + Josh met via the Bumble dating app but it wasn’t your typical swipe right towards happily ever after….
As a new transplant to New Mexico, Abbi figured that a dating app would be a good place to start meeting people and finding cool new places to try (in typical foodie fashion). But after a couple mediocre dates and more swipes left than right, she landed on Josh’s profile. Even though he seemed like a really nice (& cute!) guy, she decided that she needed to take some time before pursuing any more meet-ups. As she went to close the app, she accidentally swiped just enough right instead of up and they matched. She panicked but messaged Josh anyways; figuring that they wouldn’t get very far.
Josh, on the other hand, was new to the app and his friends knew he was too. One day after hanging out at a hot sauce festival, they talked him into projecting his Bumble app onto the TV so they could help him find his true love. Maybe they were all still delirious from the hot sauces, but Abbi’s profile came up and they all decided he should swipe right on her. He thankfully mentioned some good coffee shops around town and they arranged to meet.
Abbi went into the date, nervous because she felt she wasn’t ready for a relationship and would need to be upfront about her feelings. She got to the shop a bit early and grabbed a cortado and waited. Josh walked up right on time. When she saw him through the window, all fears disappeared. She vividly remembers that “everything would be ok.” They talked until the coffee shop closed, then they got tacos and kept talking. They still had more to say so they went to get snacks at the supermarket and went to Abbi’s nearby apartment. They kept talking until the wee hours of the morning and poor Josh mentioned that he had to move that day. They said good night and promised to keep in touch (Abbi even volunteered to help with the move but Josh declined). On their second date a few days later, they made chocolate chip cookies and the rest is history.
Pumpkin day (aka the first Saturday of October) is a VERY important holiday we made up and celebrate. It started as a joke during the pandemic to try all the pumpkin spiced things we could find. We also pick out pumpkins from our local pumpkin farmer at the farmers market + decorate for Halloween. But Pumpkin Day 2022 changed our lives for the better. It started off with all our usual plans for the day and a little party in the evening with dear friends who also celebrate. We had mini pumpkin spiced + shaped waffles with chocolate chips and even made fancy pumpkin cold foam for our coffee. Josh surprised Abbi by decorating the table with a pumpkin. As they finished breakfast Josh nudged the pumpkin towards Abbi. She admired it and began to chat about the plans for the rest of the day. After some coaxing, she picked up the pumpkin to find a small pumpkin ring hiding inside. Josh got down on one knee with the real ring in hand and asked if they could spend pumpkin day together forever and Abbi immediately began to cry and squealed “Yes!” The rest of the day was spent crying more, picking out pumpkins and celebrating with family and friends over a pumpkin filled dinner.